Using Atlas 3 with Slim

This cookbook entry describes how to use the Atlas 3 ORM and its command-line tooling with Slim.


Install Atlas using Composer. The ORM and CLI packages are delivered separately, since you are likely to need the command line tooling only in development:

composer require atlas/orm ~3.0
composer require --dev atlas/cli ~2.0


If you are using PHPStorm, you may wish to copy the IDE meta file to your project to get full autocompletion on Atlas classes:

cp ./vendor/atlas/orm/resources/phpstorm.meta.php ./.phpstorm.meta.php

Settings and Configuration

Now you need to add some database connection settings to your configuration. You can add them under any array key you like; the following example uses ['settings']['atlas']:

// ./config/settings.php
return [
    'settings' => [
        'displayErrorDetails' => true,
        'determineRouteBeforeAppMiddleware' => false,
        'atlas' => [
            'pdo' => [
            'namespace' => 'DataSource',
            'directory' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/classes/DataSource',

The pdo elements are used as arguments for your PDO connection.

The namespace and directory elements specify the namespace for your Atlas data source classes, and the directory where they will be saved by the skeleton generator. Your composer.json will need have a PSR autoloader entry for these; the above example corresponds to the Slim tutorial application.

Generating Skeleton Classes

Now you can generate your skeleton data source classes with the Atlas CLI tooling. First, create the target directory, then issue the skeleton command:

mkdir -p ./src/classes/DataSource
php ./vendor/bin/atlas-skeleton.php ./config/settings.php settings.atlas

The first argument to atlas-skeleton is the path to your Slim config file. The second argument is a dot-separated list of the keys leading to the Atlas array within the settings.

With that command, Atlas will examine your database and generate a series of classes and traits for each table in the schema. You can see the files generated for each table here.

Container Service Definition

With the data mapper classes in place, you can now add the Atlas ORM as a service in the Slim container:

$container = $app->getContainer();
$container['atlas'] = function ($container) {
    $args = $container['settings']['atlas']['pdo'];
    $atlasBuilder = new AtlasBuilder(...$args);
    $atlasBuilder->setFactory(function ($class) use ($container) {
        if ($container->has($class)) {
            return $container->get($class);

        return new $class();
    return $atlasBuilder->newAtlas();

This uses the AtlasBuilder class to create and return a new ORM instance, with the PDO connection arguments from your settings configuration.


This service definition tells Atlas to use the Container itself as a factory for certain class constructions. If you have Atlas TableEvent or MapperEvent classes defined as services in the Container, Atlas will use the Container to build them for you.

Using the ORM

At this point, you can use the full power of the Atlas ORM in your action code. The following examples are adapted from the tutorial application:

use DataSource\Ticket\Ticket;
use DataSource\Component\Component;

$app->get('/tickets', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $this->logger->addInfo("Ticket list");
    $tickets = $this->atlas->select(Ticket::class)->fetchRecordSet();

    $response = $this->view->render(
            "tickets" => $tickets,
            "router" => $this->router
    return $response;

$app->get('/ticket/{id}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
    $ticket_id = (int) $args['id'];
    $ticket = $this->atlas->fetchRecord(Ticket::class, $ticket_id);

    $response = $this->view->render(
            "ticket" => $ticket
    return $response;

$app->post('/ticket/new', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $data = $request->getParsedBody();

    $ticket = $this->atlas->newRecord(Ticket::class);
    $ticket->title = filter_var($data['title'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $ticket->description = filter_var($data['description'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

    $component_id = (int) $data['component'];
    $component = $this->atlas->fetchRecord(Component::class, $component_id)
    $ticket->component = $component->getName();


    $response = $response->withRedirect("/tickets");
    return $response;

That’s it!

For more information on how to use Atlas to its greatest extent, be sure to read the official documentation:
